Berdikulova Surayyo Aslamovna, Jamalova Nargiza Ulugbek qizi
Lecturer, Vidya Bhawan Rural Institute
In the days of primitive society, when there were no laws and rules, the driving force of people were instincts. With the development of humanity, the dependence on the power of instincts began to weaken. They were gradually replaced by social norms, they were born in the early stages of the formation of society itself. People needed to solve many problems together, and for this they already needed generally accepted rules. The social norms of primitive society no longer gave the right to rash, impulsive actions that did not lead to serious consequences. Between the desired actions of the person himself and the surrounding world, rules have appeared to regulate the behavior of each person in society. These rules became known as social norms.
Keywords: society, social norm, laws and rules, development of humanity, power, activity
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-04-19

Vol : 7
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2021
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