Prof. Pallavi Deshpande
Assistant Professor , Amity University
Business analytics (BA) is process in which business data at all levels and from all the functional units of a businesses is collected, cleaned, processed and stored and then, by using statistical models and iterative methodologies it is transformed into business insights. Organization who are committed to make data driven decisions follow this kind of practice. Researcher has carried out a survey with an intention to know that which all industries have started using business analytics in Pune, awareness of managers towards business analytics practices , extent of data driven decision making approach of organizations, and what is the impact of usage of business analytics on the overall growth of an organization. Survey was carried out on managers who are at tactic and strategic level in the organization. CIO, CTO, VP, Senior managers were the respondents selected considering that these are the people who are required to take day to day and strategic decisions for their organizations. Questionnaire was prepared and circulated to the said respondents of select large scale organizations. 345 valid responses are considered for further analysis. Researcher has collected responses from Manufacturing, Information technology, Pharmaceutical, Agricultural and Automobile industry. Finding suggest that various factors which are responsible for the overall growth of the organization if they are merged or connected with BA then organizational growth is certain.
Keywords: Business analytics, Knowledge management, operational level, Data driven decisions, organizational growth, competitive advantage ,organizational value
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-04-26

Vol : 7
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2021
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