Gaurav Mishra, Lata Mishra
Assistant Professor, Aryabhatta College of Engineering and Research Center
The time management for a construction project can better justify by using optimization methods. Nowadays many computerized software are used to explore, to design, to analyze, and to solve different engineering problems. Construction management is not only a concept to manage a project work under the guidelines of 5M aspects, while it is actually a whole of initialization and termination of the particular construction project work. This concept can better understand by incorporating optimization techniques to find feasible solutions of different situations arise during the execution of an activity. An activity may be a matter of complication if it is started without planning. The worse results of activity reflected at end of the work in the form of uneconomical achievement. Thus, to overcome these unforeseen situations, it may be suitable to solve them using optimization methods and get an optimal result.
Keywords: Optimization Techniques, Construction Project Management, Linear Programming Problem, Minimum Construction Cost
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-04-29

Vol : 7
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2021
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