Lucky Yadav,Mr.Karthick.S
Student, Srm Institute of science and technology NCR campus
With the increase in technology related to IoT, the concepts are being readily applied to Smart Agriculture that can help in providing data about the land as per the provided input. The farmart is a complete solution of smart farming. Which is developed for the farmers to optimize use of water for agricultural crop. As water supply is becoming a scare in today’s life it is important to adopt the smart solution in farming also. The project describes how irrigation can be handle smartly using IOT. This project can help farmers to save their time and give complete information about the soil and climate by which farmers can decide when crop needs water and as it’s a smart farming it can be done automatically by the farmart. The primary aim of the project is used for detecting soil moisture and climate condition and depending on the condition it sprinkle the water in field. And this entire information is sent to user’s mobile phone through SMS. This system involves using a WSN with different sensor which help farmart to take action. And this whole system is programmed into a microcontroller which control the irrigation system and quantity of water being used. And then send this information to user with the help of duplex communication channel working on an interface of cellular-internet which allow user to get every information on his phone through an app and a webpage.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-05-26

Vol : 7
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2021
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