Himanshi Goyal, Dr. Navneet Joshi, Sanjive Saxena
Professor, Jagan Institute of Management Studies (JIMS)
This paper is covers the exploratory research study on the marketing strategies of IDBI Federal Insurance, Company. In the Indian context, Insurance companies are playing a major role in the development of Indian economy. With the entry of many private players in the insurance industry, the competition has risen manifold and hence insurance companies are coming out with innovative marketing strategies to woo the customer. This was the reason for narrowing down the scope of the research work. The present paper is an exploratory research study on the marketing strategy of IDBI Federal Insurance Company. The paper seeks to address the following objectives (a) To determine the marketing strategies of IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd (b) To determine the means and mechanism deployed by IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Applying the marketing mix and to determine the effectiveness of the strategy and (c) to understand the reasons which provide competitive advantage to IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd. The paper is developed on the basis of elementary primary and secondary data available in the Internet and other documents and journals. The design of the paper follows a structured approach. The literature review resulted in the generation of the research objectives. The primary data was collected by means of Google Forms and MS Excel was used for data analysis. Descriptive Statistics is used to arrive at the findings and interpretation. The findings indicate that the majority of the people seek insurance cover for the purpose of having risk cover and availing several benefits associated with the life insurance policies. Further, the findings indicate that there is a need to capitalize social media platform for generating awareness to drive the market growth.
Keywords: IDBI, Insurance, Marketing, Policies, Strategies
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-05-28

Vol : 7
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2021
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