Ferdie S. Ching, Dr. Merilyn D. Juacalla
The purpose of the study is to develop a reliable computer-aided statistical instrument for data processing. The researcher come up to the idea to formulate an executable program running in Microsoft Excel platform. The platform is chosen based on the fact that it is widely used office application and known to be user-friendly. EASIER or Executable Access to Statistics for Interactive and Efficient Research was born. Executable because the program can be run by a computer, it is accessible in terms that most teachers use MS Excel as an office application, it can solve and analyze most statistics problems, interactive because there is a two-way flow of information between a computer and the user which respond to a certain input, the system promise to achieve a maximum productivity with a minimum wasted effort or expense, and to establish facts and reach new conclusions. The statistical instrument was evaluated by twenty-four (24) Senior High School Teachers from Nagcarlan, Liliw, Majayjay, Magdalena, Pila, Victoria, and Sta. Cruz district and six (6) College Teachers from Laguna State Polytechnic University Sta. Cruz Main Campus, and from Philippine Women’s University Sta. Cruz, Laguna. It sought to answer the following questions: (1). What is the mean level of basic requirements of using computer-aided statistical instrument in terms of: 1.1 knowledge, 1.2 software and 1.3 hardware.? (2). What is the mean level of capability of EASIER as a computer-aided statistical instrument in computing statistical problems in terms of: 2.1 accepting input and data parameters, 2.2 organizing data, and 2.3 generating result, figures, charts, and drawing conclusion? (3). What is the mean level of acceptability of EASIER as a computer-aided statistical instrument in statistical analysis in terms of; 3.1 tool interface, and 3.2 operation and function? (4). Is there a significant difference between the level of responses of teachers from Senior High School and College instructors in terms of capability and acceptability of EASIER as a computer-aided statistical instrument? The teacher respondents tested and evaluated EASIER based on the survey questionnaire. Weighted mean and standard deviation were used to measure the mean level requirement of using computer-aided statistical instrument and the mean level capability and acceptability of EASIER as candidate to be one of the computer-aided statistical instruments. The statistical data reveal the following findings: The level of requirements in terms of knowledge, software, and hardware got an overall mean of 4.81, 4.83, and 4.75 respectively, which are stated to be “Completely Required”. This means that even there is a powerful computer-aided statistical instrument, certain amount of knowledge is required to deal with data analysis. (2.) The level of capability of EASIER in terms of accepting input and data parameters, organizing data, and generating result, figures, charts, and drawing conclusion showed “Very High Capability” with overall mean of 4.84, 4.76, and 4.90 respectively. These gathered means indicate that EASIER can perform data analysis at high level and capable of managing data according to the ways no other available instrument can, especially in generating conclusions. (3.) The level of acceptability of EASIER in terms of tool interface, and operations and functions are “Acceptable” with an overall mean of 4.86 and 4.89. This shows that aside from being a powerful computer-aided statistical instrument, EASIER appears to be appealing to respondents on how it looks and how it handles data. EASIER is also reliable and dependable instrument for data analysis through real-time and accurate computation. Further, EASIER can be innovated at some point making it better and updated. (4.) The difference between how Senior High School Teachers and College Teachers perceive EASIER is “Not Significant”. Meaning, though these teachers treat Statistics and Probability at different level, and with the manner they use different available statistical instrument, EASIER is accepted to be a powerful computer-aided statistical instrument.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-06-27

Vol : 7
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2021
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