Zubayda Khamidovna Yuldosheva,Jumaeva Shohida
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This article discusses important sources on the history of Amir Temur. The chronological boundary of the source covers the period from the birth of Amir Temur to 850 years. The author comments on this: “Thus, all the lands of Ajam up to the borders of Movarounnahr, Khorasan, Khorezm, Jurjan, Ajami Iraq, Mozandaran, Kandahar, India, Kerman and Azerbaijan to this day, that is, until 850 (1436-1437) Shahrukh.
Keywords: Movarounnahr, Khorasan, Khorezm, Jurjan, Ajami Iraq, Mozandaran, Kandahar, India, Kerman, Azerbaijan, Mawlana Ahmad al-Tirmidhi, Mawlana Mansur al-Qaghani, Ibn Bandgir, Abdul Qadir, Tojuddin al-Salmani.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-06-28

Vol : 7
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2021
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