Dr. Md Sadique Hussain, Neha Haloi ,Dr Sahzina Saeed
mph, amity university noida
AIM: - To create awareness among rural people as we all know that percent of tobacco use are more in rural areas than in urban as they are less educated. METHODOLOGY:- Cross – sectional study Study population 264 individuals .A cross - sectional study was conducts in rural area of katihar bihar (Tobacco awareness among different individuals in rural areas). The study was conducted over a period of 105 days (from 1st February 2021 to 15 may 2021) . RESULTS:- A total number of subjects 264 , currently using tobacco of 140, over all prevalence rate of 53.0 %. In this study I found the study consistent of 52 female and 212 males , In this study I found 77.7 % of response know the tobacco cause oral cancer, and 45.2% response used tobacco in past, 56.3% response noticing health warning on tobacco packet while purchasing It, 23.6% response tried to quit smoking.. CONCLUSION:- The people of the rural area are at high risk of the tobacco use because they are not well educated and even they are not aware of their health and oral health problems. I found in this study many of the people are tobacco addicted and habit of khani and gutkha . Prevalence of tobacco habit is quite high.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-07-02

Vol : 7
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2021
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