Mr. S. Muruganantham, S.Priyadarsini
STUDENT, Dr. N. G. P Arts and Science College
Effective financial management is the key for running a financially successful business. The term financial analysis is also referred to as financial statement analysis. Financial statements report profitability and financial position of the business at the end of the financial year. Financial analysis helps to determine the financial strength and weakness of the firm by establishing strategic relationships between the items of the balance sheet and profit and loss account. The main objective of the study is to compare and analyze the financial statements for the past five financial years and also to analyze and interpret the Return on Assets Ratio, Interest Coverage Ratio, Ratio of Interest Income to Total Assets, Ratio of Non-interest Income to Total Assets, Ratio of Operating Expenses to Total Assets, CASA Ratio, Net Interest Margin Ratio, Net Profit Margin, Cost-to-income Ratio of Kotak Mahindra Bank. Research methodology adopted for the study is descriptive in nature and is collected from various sources like the annual report of Kotak Mahindra Bank. Secondary data is collected from Company website(, other websites (, and and book sources . The findings of the study helps the Bank to improve for the further years. The suggestion provided in study to increase its number of branches in the state, check on unnecessary operating expenses by using automation and to improve the interest coverage ratio in order to reduce the Bank’s debt burden. Financial position of the business which might certainly help the bank to inculcate the same and reap profits ahead.
Keywords: Financial performance, balance sheet, profit
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-07-06

Vol : 7
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2021
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