Mr. Krisjan A. Hortal
Student, Laguna State Polytechnic University, Sta. Cruz Campus
In 2020, the Coronavirus pandemic affected the entire world; ceasing global movements, such as in economy and education, was one of the interventions implemented to prevent the spread of the virus. This phenomenon led to the shifting of the traditional face-to-face learning environment to an online learning environment. Due to this change, the teachers and the learners had to use different media to pursue discussions in a distant learning set up. Such media used was the electronic learning, later referred to as e-learning. In distant learning, learners needed to maximize their writing ability to accomplish their learning kits. This revealed that most of the learners have difficulties in writing as evidence of poor sentence constructions, out of context answers, and grammar errors. Therefore, the discussions of grammar lessons using e-learning to improve writing became the objective of the study. To make this possible, the experimental design was used. This design was selected to examine the relationship between grammar, writing, and e-learning. In addition, the comparative design was also utilized to compare data to see to determine the effectiveness of e-learning in improving grammar and writing. As a result of the research procedure and the data collection, it was found out that when the results of the scores obtained from the Diagnostic and the Summative Examination, the t-value of 2.0543 is greater than the critical t-value of 1.6657 and supported with p-value of 0.0217, it can be inferred that there is an increase in the performance and the analysis is Significant; thus, this suggests that the students improved in English grammar and writing. This development was deemed noteworthy in terms of grammar improvement as one of the factors that could aid in enhancing a learner’s writing abilities. In consideration of the findings, it was concluded that e-learning as an alternative tool for grammar discussion is effective. The discussions of grammar lessons made using the e-learning increased the grammar knowledge of the learners and helped in achieving gradual improvement in their writing abilities. Furthermore, e-learning, helped in decreasing the fear of the learners in using English language for communication and gives the learners an environment to practice. The various e-learning features that allowed students to talk, negotiate, collaborate, and share their ideas with the teacher and their peers enhanced their grammar and writing skills. It was recommended to investigate the generality of the conclusions made in the study, since the respondents were in the 10th grade, it is difficult to generalize whether the results could also be applied to all other grade levels. On another note, other linguistic abilities related to writing should also be included in the discussions since grammar is not the only bearing to the improvement of writing. Lastly, the experiences of the learners in using e-learning should be examined for the purpose of minimizing the problems they encountered for a better learning experience.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-07-07

Vol : 7
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2021
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