Renalisa Marie D. Almonte, Regina E. Gloria PhD
The main objective of this study is to develop a new technology that can help individuals to lessen their task work caused by manually operated systems. Also this study aims to construct and develop an automated watering system that needs almost no human intervention. The Developmental Method of research was utilized in this study to gather information and data needed in the construction of the prototype. The researchers made use of questionnaires using the Likert Scale format; the said questionnaires were given to selected farmers, gardeners, electricians, technicians, ICT programmers, teachers and engineers. This study aims to: (1) To determine the acceptability of Solar and Hydro Automated Water Sprinkler with soil moisture sensor using Arduino in terms of style and design, performance, cost efficiency and accessibility. (2) To determine the effectiveness of Solar and Hydro Automated Water Sprinkler with soil moisture sensor using Arduino in terms of functionality, usability, purpose and safety as evaluated by two groups of respondents, (3) To determine the significant difference on the level of acceptability and effectiveness of Solar and Hydro Automated Water Sprinkler with soil moisture sensor using Arduino as evaluated by two groups of respondents. Based on the findings, in terms of style and design, performance, cost efficiency and accessibility, the level of acceptability of Solar-Hydro Water Sprinkler acquired as an high acceptable in response to its main goal. Based on the findings, in terms of functionality, usability, purpose and safety, the level of effectiveness of Solar-Hydro Water Sprinkler acquired as an high acceptable in response to its main goal.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-07-15

Vol : 7
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2021
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