Mr. S. Muruganantham , Mr. Poovarasan.C
Finance studies and addresses the ways in which individuals, businesses, and organizations raise, allocate, and use monetary resources over time, taking into account the risks entailed in their projects. Financial management involves managerial activities concerned with the acquisition of fund for business purpose. The finance function does with procurement of money taking into consideration today as well as future needs and finance is required to purchase a machinery and raw materials, to pay salaries and wages and also for day-to-day expenses. Corporate finance is an area of finance dealing with the financial decisions corporations make and the tools and analysis used to make these decisions. L&T has delivered Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) services for many projects in the upstream hydrocarbon sector over the last two decades, in India, Middle East, Africa, South-East Asia and Australia. L&T has formed a joint venture with Sapura Crest Petroleum Berhad, Malaysia for providing services to offshore construction industry worldwide. It has made presence in various sectors that include Solar, Electrical and automation, information technology, machinery and industrial products, alloys, etc. This study attempts to provide an insight into financial soundness of the company. It also highlights the significant relationships of the financial statements through analysis. It would also help the company in planning future financial decisions by improving the current financial position and soundness. The study has been restricted to data available between years 2011-2014.
Keywords: Financial performance,L&T,ratio analysis.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-08-04

Vol : 7
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2021
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