Akbarkhadjaeva Feruza Abduganievna
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Regulation of medical terminology is one of the current problems in modern linguistics. The study of medical terms is important for professional communication between specialists, increasing their lexical resources in the training of medical staff, publishing professional scientific literature, developing scientific relations with foreign experts in the field of health, information exchange and creation of industry dictionaries. Latin, as the language of science, had a great influence on the terminology of special scientific fields. The emergence of scientific terms based on Latin continues to this day, indicating the constant interest of linguists in the lexicon of this field. Indeed, in the works of foreign and domestic linguists, much attention is paid to the problem of learning Latin mastery. Indeed, the Latin language serves as a basis for the creation and formation of medical terms.
Keywords: medical terms, vocabulary, Latin, assimilation, terminology, concept
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-10-12

Vol : 7
Issue : 10
Month : October
Year : 2021
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