Mirsodiq Mirsultonovich Is'hoqov
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The Central Asian regions have rich and long history. The mountains, hills, mysterious caves hide many more historical monuments. The present paper discusses the phallitic symbolic images in Sarmishsay paintings and how people lived in that times. The images engraved on the surfaces of rocks in the area demonstrates concepts that ancient people’s life. The article provides some other information about different rock paintings found all over Uzbekistan.
Keywords: Central Asian region, Obishir, Selungur Lower Paleolithic Monument, Dam-dam spring, Joyitun, Kaltaminor, Gissar Neolithic monuments, Uchtut Neolithic silicon deposits, Anau, Oltindepe, Namozgoh I-II Eneolithic addresses, Sopolli, Dashli, Jarqoton, Sarazm, Dalvarzin.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-11-13

Vol : 7
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2021
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