Camielle A Pizarro
Teacher, Barangay Longos Senior High School
This study aims to determine problems of online distance learning modality with the use of google meet in teaching Physical Education to find huge opportunities for the learner’s despite of the challenges that we are facing now. The researcher through interview with the selected students in Barangay Longos Senior High School, made observation and triangulations to search answers to the research questions. A series of in depth semi- constructed interview was utilized as the primary method. Data was also gathered through a series of personal interview and was done on available time that the participants of the study agree in a comfortable place that is conducive for the participants to share their knowledge and experiences. Six among the respondents were female and four were males. Based on the lived experiences of utilization of google meet for academic outcome of the Senior High School students, conclusions were made. Online classes kind a hard move for them because of the poor internet connection, that even if they find a strong signal, sometimes the Teachers while presenting the lecture find its difficulties because of the same problem. The participants understand the situation amidst pandemic they were lucky to experience a free education for their future opportunity to learn and be digitally literate. It is beneficial in this time of pandemic to use the google meet as virtual learning tool in this pandemic. However, the disadvantage was the poor internet connections, the eagerness of the participants learns was distracted by it. The participants insight they were not comfortable using the platform because they can’t deny the fact of the adjustment in this new education strategies in teaching and learning. They said that their eyesight experiencing blurredness. Moreover, they were being interrupted by their surroundings, not focused on the lesson because of that. Most -participant answered it was not easy, they find it difficult because of the distraction of their sibling, the noise, the internet connection and they were not able to focus on their classes. However, two participants answered it was easy to use because they were comfortable to have classes at home, it is in favor for them to have classes at home because of the pandemic. Opinion about the face-to-face classes to be back as part of the traditional way of teaching and learning. They also emphasized the value of vaccine that it is important to be vaccinated for all the learners and teachers to get ready in the face-to-face classes, be in normal situation as usual. Based on the major findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are advanced. The researcher may suggest building a personal connection with the students for they could learn in the new normal teaching strategies to motivate the student to perform well in the virtual class. The school may recommend prioritizing the needs of the students especially the good internet connections to be provided to the students who needed it most. The stakeholder may also suggest thinking of a possible project for the enhancement of the school needs for the students especially in this new normal system of education. Future researchers are advised to conduct in-depth study on lived experiences of teaching strategies for academic outcome of the senior high school students in different places and settings, considering further variables not considered by the present study due to limited time among others.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-11-22

Vol : 7
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2021
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