Kh.I.Ibraimov, F.Kh.Ibragimova, A.A.Ibragimov, Sh.R.Urakov
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The article discusses issues related to the organization of some parameters of the educational process, the development of which will improve the quality of education. The main aspects are highlighted, with an emphasis on such components as the rational organization of independent work of students, the development of specializations in the formation of the educational trajectory, as well as the activation of the creative abilities of students, aimed at an interest in obtaining knowledge corresponding to future professional activities.
Keywords: quality of education, rational organization of the educational process, independent work of students, development of creative abilities
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-12-03

Vol : 7
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2021
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