Djabbarova Khamida Akramovna
Independent researcher , Karshi State University
The profession of a journalist obliges him to preserve and disseminate correct, good speech. And if he is a person of high speech culture, who has mastered the main principles of speech communication and communicative norms, then he successfully copes with his tasks, is professionally competent and can solve the problems of protecting the literary language, its norms. Speech etiquette is understood by us more broadly than just specialized methods of establishing, maintaining and opening contacts of communicants. Speech etiquette is the rules and norms of verbal behavior developed by society that help to avoid conflicts in communication, contribute to the harmonization of verbal interaction of communicants in order to achieve efficiency in communication.
Keywords: ethics, speech, media, society, speech etiquette, radio, communication, communication
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-12-28

Vol : 7
Issue : 12
Month : December
Year : 2021
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