Yodgorova Zebo
independent researcher , Karshi State University
Modality is understood as a functional-semantic category that expresses different types of attitude of an utterance to reality, as well as different types of subjective qualifications of what is communicated. The ambiguity of the term “modality” in linguistics is obvious. The concept of modality includes various phenomena, united by the fact that all of them grammatically, intonationally and lexically express the attitude of the speaker (writer) to the communicated or communicated to reality. Modality as a category that, according to the well-known definition, reflects the attitude of the content of the utterance to reality established by the speaker and is one of the most important linguistic factors that determine the process of understanding and interpreting speech, cannot but attract the attention of modern researchers.
Keywords: modality, media text, modal, speech, media text, category, linguistic phenomen
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2021-12-30

Vol : 7
Issue : 12
Month : December
Year : 2021
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