Dr. Mridula Singhal
The largest democracy country in the world, is India thus, faces many challenges of human rights. If violation of human rights takes place in India, the world’s largest democracy comes in danger. Human rights education in India is vital for the sake of democracy and sustainable progress in India. The knowledge of human rights is the best defence against their violation. Good governance and the alertness of its citizens plays significant role in the progress of any country, much depends on an alert society. The people have an important role to play in order to ensure transparency and an answerable administration, for this knowledge and information are the primary need. People can be expected to discharge their rights and responsibilities only when they are aware of the same. This wants basic education in the first place followed by Human Rights Education. In a nation like India, which is treated to be one of the leading democratic nations on the globe, with a huge size and vast population, providing human rights education, ensuring knowledge, skill and attitudinal change is considered very much crucial. This paper will focus on the need for Human Rights Education in India and talks its requirements in changing and challenging society. It will conclude with some suggestive measures that should be taken as a part of educational programmes for making education an effective tool for elimination of human rights violations.
Keywords: Education, Human Rights (HR), Human Rights Education (HRE)
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2022-01-03

Vol : 7
Issue : 12
Month : December
Year : 2021
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