Krishna Rajput, Dr. Divina Raghav, Ms Anukriti Pande
Assistant Manager, Speakingcube Mental Health Consulting
Anxiety is described as a fear of something like a situation, person, or thing, etc. It is an unpleasant inner state. It is a feeling of extreme worry, continuous illogical thoughts, often said as an overreaction to a stimulus. Most of the adults these days are engaged with relationship problems and feel the most amount of dread or stress coming from it, many relationships in this era are toxic people still are continuing it because of habituation. Encountering tension is an ordinary piece of life. In any case, individuals with tension issues much of the time have extraordinary, extreme, and diligent stress and dread over regular circumstances. The purpose of the study is to find the prevalence of anxiety on the personality of young adults and to find the relationship between anxiety, neuroticism, and extraversion. The objective was to determine the effect of Anxiety on the personality of young adults, to establish a relationship between anxiety and neuroticism, and to establish a relationship between anxiety and extraversion. The sample size used is 100 Students of college ranging from 19 – 25 years of age. The inclusion was all the adults who fall in the taken age range and the exclusion was adults who are below 19 or above 25 years of age. In the following sample, 48 were males and 52 were females. The findings were that the extraversion trait tells us how friendly and outgoing an individual is or much the person expresses or interacts. Whereas Neuroticism trait includes people who are moody, frustrated, and do not like to socialize much. According to the finding of the research, there is a significant correlation found between anxiety and neuroticism at 0.01 level through the Pearson correlation method. There is no significance found between anxiety and extraversion trait which means the more extrovert personality the less are the chances of developing anxiety. There is a high prevalence of anxiety found in the personality of young adults.
Keywords: Anxiety, Neuroticism, Personality, Extraversion, Young adults
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2022-02-07

Vol : 8
Issue : 2
Month : February
Year : 2022
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