Ananda Rao Bonthu
Asst prof of English, Sri vasavi engineering college
Girish Karnad, a multi-faceted genius, attained an early interest in drama and dramatized contemporary socio-political and cultural issues in his plays through the use of myth, legend and folk-lore. While dealing with history and culture he has tried to relate them with contemporary issues. He carefully uses the substance to reshape our society. Though studied at foreign universities, his deep sense of Indian tradition and culture is very much reflected in all his plays. In that sense he is versatile genius. To literature point of view, it is someone or something that encourages progress and change. Unlike poetry and fiction, Indian drama has been unable to grow and bear rich fruit but Karnad being a playwright feels comfortable and at his best. Girish karnad is truly a lover of indian tradition and culture because he brings out all the aspects of tradition and culture of indian society through his plays.
Keywords: multi-faceted, excavates, renaissance, delve, myth, legend, folk-lore
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2022-04-05

Vol : 8
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2022
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