Srishti Dhamal, Apurva Thakur, Pratiksha Ogale, Sonam Wadar, Prof.Tushar Waykole
student, PCETs Nutan Maharashtra Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pune
Fake news, one among the most important new- age problems have the implicit to fester opinions and influence opinions. The proliferation of dummy news on social media and Internet is deceiving people to an extent which must be stopped. The being systems are hamstrung in giving a particular statistical standing for any given news claim. Also, the restrictions on input and order of stories make it less varied. Sentiment analysis has great significance in fake news discovery system. This paper proposes a system that classifies unreliable news into different orders after calculating an F- score. This system aims to use colorful bracket ways to help achieve maximum delicacy.
Keywords: Analysis Deceptive online news, sentiment analysis, probabilistic sentiment score, logistic retrogression, TF-IDF, support vector machine.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2022-05-23

Vol : 8
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2022
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