Jomari M. Carillaga
The study was primarily concerned with the validation of an enhancement tool for reading comprehension skill for grade 7 learners which main objective is to develop the learners’ reading ability and reading comprehension skills. Specifically, this study aimed to realize the following objectives: (1) Validate the module as to: 1.1. Objectives,1.2. Focus Skills,1.3. Practice and 1.4. Appeal to Target User and (2) Determine the difference between the assessment of Highly Proficient Teachers and Proficient Teachers regarding the validation of the components of the enhancement tool. The study utilized the quasi-experimental design in validating the module. Highly Proficient Teachers and Proficient Teachers were involved as the primary respondents of the study. The validation of the module covered four criteria: (1) objectives, (2) Focus Skills, (3) Practice, and (4) Appeal to Target Users. The researcher came up with the following results from the data yielded from the instruments. The mean level between the evaluation of Highly Proficient Teachers and Proficient Teachers in terms of objectives, focus, skills, practice, and appeal to target users shows almost the same validation level. Specifically, no significant difference in the rating given by the teachers and master teachers. The table indicate the (t value= 1.6, p= 0.13) for the objectives, (t=1.05, p= 0.31) focus skill, (t= -0.17, p= 0.93) practice, and ( t= 0.09, p-value = 0.93) appeal to target users. All p values were higher than the 0.05 level of significance. This shows that the researcher’s reading module is valid and highly accepted. Based on the summary of findings mentioned, the two groups of respondents-teachers and master teachers, who validated the module in terms of objectives, focus skill, practice, and appeal to the target user rated the enhancement tool in reading Very Much Valid. This means that the characteristics of enhancement tools were acceptable to the evaluators. In line with that, the reading comprehension module will help enhance and develop the students reading comprehension levels. The enhancement tool for reading comprehension skills found to be very helpful however, it is recommended to include more varied and engaging learning activities for the learners.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2022-07-04

Vol : 8
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2022
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