Satti Kishore Kumar Reddy, Dr.M.Rajesh
Malla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad-Telengana, India
Talent acquisition implies recognizing a person’s inherent skill traits, personality and offering him a right task. Every person has a unique talent that suits him to a particular job profile and any other position will cause discomfort. It is the job of the Management, particularly the HR Department to place candidates in various positions in terms of their interest and qualifications Talent Management takes all efforts to boost up the morale of the work force to retain them and reduce the labour turnover. A platform is laid up for the potential career growth of the talented employees in every organization. It is imperative to study the importance of Talent Management Practices followed by the companies. It needs a critical and in-depth analysis. The effective practices of talent acquisition strive to develop and retain potential workforces and improve organizational performance. The present study has highlighted the Talent Management Practices prevailing in the Dolphin Elevators. Accordingly, the positive results gathered from the study will certainly be useful for the organization, as it will help the management to create effective strategies for developing and retaining talented employees. The study was carried out with data collection of 50 employees to find out the results, which helps employees, as management explores hidden qualities and lays focus on developing the talent of their employees.
Keywords: Talent acquisition, labour turnover, organisational perforomance, Talent management
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2022-08-16

Vol : 8
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2022
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