Esemuratov P,Kholmirzaev D,Reymbaev N
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Camel is a universal agricultural animal with many versatile features that are beneficial to humans. Over the centuries, its place in the socio-economic sphere has changed in line with lifestyle changes. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, due to the mechanization of industries, the role of camels in the economic and transport sectors of the republic began to decline. The development of civilization has weakened the importance of camels as a productive animal in desert and semi-desert areas, where the population has been consuming camel meat and milk (shubat) as food since ancient times. The development of camels in the economy of the Republic is closely linked with the study of the chemical composition and nutritional value of natural pastures. A detailed study of the above issues will ensure the organization of a complete and balanced feeding of animals according to the seasons.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2022-08-31

Vol : 8
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2022
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