Dr. Goddy Chukuma, Dr Victor O. Ojetokun, Dr Barry O. Omale
The study investigated lecturers’ frustration in examination script assessment in North Central Nigeria. The descriptive correlation survey design was adopted for the study 322 randomly selected lecturers from 6 polytechnics participated as sample. The sample was made up of 190 males and 132 females (112 senior and 210 junior lecturers). Four instruments (Organizational Frustration Scale, Examination Script Assessment Frustration Scale, Lecturers’ Frustration Reaction Scale and Consequence of Lecturers’ Frustration Scale) were used for data collection. Pearson r was used to test for significance on the relationship between frustration and the 15 independent variables of mediating factors of frustration in examination script assessment. The Zero Order Multiple Correlation was used to test for significance on the relationship between frustration and 11 independent variables on lecturers’ reaction to their frustration in examination script assessment. The t-test was used to test for significance on the level of frustration among the groups of lecturers in examination script assessment. Regression analysis was used to test for significance on the correlation between frustration and the 13 independent variables on the consequences of frustration in examination script assessment. Based on the 15 mediating factors measured, 9 reported high relationship as in poor response to questions, out of point, empty/scanty script, bulky answer, poor handwriting, rough scripts, lobbying/interference, large number of scripts and shortage of time for marking. Also, significant relationship exist between frustration and lecturers’ reaction in the 11 subscales measured as in anger, aggression against students, poor scoring, complain to authorities, succumb to pressure from students and others. A further significant difference was found among the groups of lecturers in their level of frustration. To this extent, female and junior lecturers reported higher levels of frustration than male and senior lecturers in examination script assessment. Lastly, frustration significantly correlated with 13 variables in the subscales measuring the consequences of frustration in examination script assessment as in worry over 50% examination success rate, poor results, students’ agitation, stress and disciplinary actions on lecturers among others. It was recommended among others that polytechnic authorities should organize orientation programmes for fresh students on how to approach examination at the beginning of their programme and for lecturers generally; but target the female and junior lecturers more on how to deal with frustration in examination script assessment among others.
Keywords: Assessment, correlation, examination, Frustration, survey
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2022-09-03

Vol : 8
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2022
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