Sushil Kumar Singh
Research Scholar , University of Allahabad
The South China Sea interests and strategies of India are examined in this article (SCS). It begins by highlighting India’s maritime interests and discussing how the SCS relates to them. The article then looks at some of the crucial components of India’s expanding regional policy initiatives. According to the report, India looks to be legitimately emerging as a crucial element in the strategic discourse of this region as a result of a significant increase of its interaction with the South China Sea littoral states. If India can maintain its high economic development rate and uphold the framework of partnership that it has established in the region, it might be a beneficial security partner for a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2022-09-09

Vol : 8
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2022
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