Akingbade Osasere Luisa, Ahmed Danasabe Suleiman
Lecturer, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro
ABSTRACT Libraries in years make use of a manual cataloguing method in which a register is opened to take the account of books available in libraries and to check against pilfering and safe returns of books borrowed by reader ender a given day ultimatum This create a lot of issues when librarians are making accounts of available books in the bookshelves and readers does not have the idea of available books in the libraries until he/she gets to the library to check each shelf for available books In this report the use of Radio Frequency Identification technology to construct a network based bookshelf is used to identify each book available in various compartment of the shelf with the aid of a tag and reader which sense the availability of the book and check against wrong placement of books in the wrong bookshelf compartment. A networking devices is also used which serves as a communicating device between the shelf and database. The website is used as the trigger point for updating the retrieved status of the book to eliminate bottleneck at the counter that cannot render the real time circulation status of book in the library upon borrowing or returning the book. With the help of database system to integrate the information architecture of the library and provide intelligent service applications, the overall structure is conducive in enhancing the efficiency of the library collections and improving the satisfactions of readers.
Keywords: Network, RFID, Libraries. Bookshelf
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2022-11-07

Vol : 8
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2022
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