Ms.N.Sathiyabama, Dr.R.Annadurai
Department of Physical Education, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
The study was designed to investigate the Effect of breathing technique on emotional factors of women. To investigate the study, thirty women were randomly selected from house women at Coimbatore and their age was ranged between 30 and 35 years. The subjects were randomly assigned to two equal groups (n=15). All the subjects were divided in to two groups with 15 subjects each as experimental and control group. Group-I underwent Breathing technique for a period of 12 weeks and group-II acted as control who did not participate in any special training other than the regular routine. The emotional factors variables such as anxiety and stress were selected as dependent variables. Pre and post-test random group design was used for this study. The dependent‘t’ test was applied to determine the difference between the means of two groups. To find out whether there was any significant difference between the experimental and control groups. To test the level of significant of difference between the means 0.05level of confidence was fixed. The result of the study shows that, there was a significant improvement takes place on anxiety and stress of women due to the Effect of breathing technique. And also concluded that, there was a significant difference exists between experimental and control groups in anxiety and stress. The control group did not improve the selected criterion variables.
Keywords: Breathing Technique, anxiety and stress,
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)

Published on : 2023-01-14

Vol : 9
Issue : 1
Month : January
Year : 2023
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